Finding our way

A more formal introduction is in order. In the Ross family, we are Elizabeth, Margaret, Karolyn, Jeanne, Robin, and Nancy. Although Elizabeth and I are spearheading this effort, we are hopeful that all of us will share our stories, thoughts, and ideas as we travel our paths. We share many experiences, but have found that the stories we remember are quite different depending on our birth order. Nancy, as the youngest, had a vastly different experience growing up than Elizabeth. Those of us in the ‘mushy’ middle tend to have similar stories…and sometimes vastly different perspectives of what actually happened.

I’m working on adding separate pages where each of the Rossetta Sisters will be able to post photos and whatever else they fancy. That way our readers can get to know each of us…and all of us as we were, and how we are today.

And one more note: If you counted the number of sisters in the first photo we posted, you’re correct…there are only five shown. Nancy was just a baby and didn’t make it into the photo op at the time. We’re working on swapping it with a photo of all of us, but don’t worry, those cute little girls in their Easter dresses will show up somewhere in our blog.
